Features ExamsDaily - Live Class/Test
ExamsDaily.in is your resource hub for Current Affairs, General Knowledge, Exam Notifications, Competitive Exam preparation, etc.
We provide you with the latest notifications, study materials and results from the career industry.With this app we provide our users a rich real-time test and online/live class experience.
The live classes are conducted by highly experienced and trained tutors who uses our rich online tools to teach and interact with students.This could benefit the candidates in harnessing the power to achieve their carrier.
The users could also get the question practise set and useful report, statistics, live classroom sessions, etc to prepare the exams.
Secure & Private
Your data is protected with industry-leading security protocols.
24/7 Support
Our dedicated support team is always ready to help you.
Customize the app to match your preferences and workflow.
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Available for Android 8.0 and above